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Study Tips – Listening Comprehension Exercise!

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Study Tips

Hi hi!!

Let’s check your comprehension of the audio!

1 / 13

What’s in the picture?
Question Image

2 / 13

Ben usually studies …

3 / 13

On Ben’s desk there are …

4 / 13

Katy …

5 / 13

When Ben studies …

6 / 13

Selecciona las «Good ideas» (There are 4)

7 / 13

Selecciona las «Bad ideas» (There are 4)

8 / 13

Selecciona la palabra ausente.

You always have good ________ at school!

9 / 13

Selecciona la palabra ausente.

I always do ________ things. Do you want to know them?

10 / 13

Selecciona la palabra ausente.

I usually study in my bedroom. It’s very _______

11 / 13

Selecciona la palabra ausente.

I move my arms and ______ and drink some water.

12 / 13

Selecciona la palabra ausente.

It’s important to get up and move your ______

13 / 13

Selecciona la palabra ausente.

Next time I think I can get _______ marks!

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