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Actividad Evaluativa – Verb «To be»

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Actividad Evaluativa – Verb «To be»

Vamos a evaluar tus conocimientos adquiridos sobre el uso del verbo «to be» en presente simple.

Let’s get started! ??

1 / 17

Select the pronouns that are used with «am»
Selecciona los pronombres que son usados con «am»

2 / 17

Select the pronouns that are used with «are»
Selecciona los pronombres que son usados con «are»

3 / 17

Select the pronouns that are used with «is»
Selecciona los pronombres que son usados con «is»

4 / 17

There is only a correct sentence, please select it.
(Hay sólo una oración correcta, por favor selecciónala)

5 / 17

There is only a correct sentence, please select it.
(Hay sólo una oración correcta, por favor selecciónala)

6 / 17

There is only a correct sentence, please select it.
(Hay sólo una oración correcta, por favor selecciónala)

7 / 17

There is only a correct sentence, please select it.
(Hay sólo una oración correcta, por favor selecciónala)

8 / 17

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of «to be» 

?? ………. I right?

9 / 17

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of «to be» 

?? ………. you okay?

10 / 17

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of «to be» 

?? ………. he your friend?

11 / 17

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of «to be» 

?? Shakira and Gerard………. a couple

12 / 17

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of «to be» 

?? Shakira ………. a famous Colombian singer

13 / 17

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of «to be» 

?? My dad and my mum ………. so amazed by the news!

14 / 17

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of «to be» 

?? My dad ………. angry

15 / 17

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of «to be» 

?? We ………. at the university

16 / 17

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of «to be» 

?? She ………. my best friend

17 / 17

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of «to be» 

?? I ………. a student

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Alfred’s Routine (True- False)

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Alfred’s Routine (True- False)

Alfred’s Routine (True-False)

Hereafter, you’ll find  some affirmations. Answer «True or False»

A continuación encontrarás unas afirmaciones sobre la rutina diaria de Alfred. Responde «True or False» ??

Let’s get started! ??

1 / 8

Read and select if the sentence is True or False 

?? Alfred and his family have dinner at half past seven.

2 / 8

Read and select if the sentence is True or False 

?? His classes begin at half past eight.

3 / 8

Read and select if the sentence is True or False 

?? He walks to school.

4 / 8

Read and select if the sentence is True or False 

?? Alfred wakes up at eight o’clock.

5 / 8

Read and select if the sentence is True or False 

?? He has got two brothers.

6 / 8

Read and select if the sentence is True or False 

?? He is eleven years old

7 / 8

Read and select if the sentence is True or False 

?? He lives in a modern flat

8 / 8

Read and select if the sentence is True or False 

?? Alfred is an American boy.

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Hii!! Thanks for being part of Ingles con Sebas!! ??

Let’s sit this exam!!

Son 29 preguntas!

Pero Relax, they are easy! (I hope)! ?

Let’s get started! ??

1 / 29

Organise the sentence with the Present Perfect
Organiza la oración con el Presente Perfecto

You/ live with a pet for three years

2 / 29

Organise the sentence with the Present Perfect
Organiza la oración con el Presente Perfecto

We/ study English for the last 5 months

3 / 29

Organise the sentence with the Present Perfect
Organiza la oración con el Presente Perfecto

(She / not go to the library today)

4 / 29

What does «get on well with» mean?
¿Qué significa «get on well with»?

5 / 29

If you want to say to someone «Madura», how would you say it?
Si quieres decir a alguien «madura», ¿Cómo lo dirías?

6 / 29

When would you use «Watch out!»
¿Cuándo usarías «Watch out!»?

7 / 29

How would you translate the following sentence: «Se me está acabando el tiempo»?
¿Cómo traducirías la siguiente oración: «Se me está acabando el tiempo»?

8 / 29

Choose the correct structure for the questions in Present Perfect
Escoge la correcta estructura para las preguntas en Presente Perfecto

9 / 29

Choose the correct sentence:

10 / 29

Choose the correct sentence:

11 / 29

Choose the correct sentence:

12 / 29

Is it correct to say: I’ve never ever been to the moon!

13 / 29

We use TO when we want:

14 / 29

We use FOR when we want:

15 / 29

Choose the uses of TO: 

(More than 1 answer)
(Más de una respuesta)

16 / 29

Choose the uses of FOR: 

(More than 1 answer)
(Más de una respuesta)

17 / 29

Choose the correct sentence:

18 / 29

Choose the correct answer to this question: Do you like coffeeN?

19 / 29

Choose the correct option:

20 / 29

Choose the correct option:

21 / 29

Choose the correct option:

22 / 29

Which sentence is more formal?

23 / 29

Choose the correct answer to this sentence: Have a nice day!

24 / 29

Choose the correct sentence:

25 / 29

Choose the correct sentence:

26 / 29

Choose the correct sentence:

27 / 29

Choose the correct sentence:

28 / 29

Choose the correct sentence:

29 / 29

Choose the correct sentence:

Thanks for sitting you exam!!

Take a screenshot of your results and send them to your group  «Homework»

Learning English is difficult but it’s also so much fun!

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Spelling Rules: Present Simple

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Spelling Rules: Present Simple


Welcome to this mini-test

Recuerda haber revisado tu resumen de clase antes de resolver tu tarea o mini-examen.

Good luck! ?

1 / 11

Choose the correct answer
Selecciona la respuesta correcta 

Original verb: To sing =  cantar

2 / 11

Choose the correct answer
Selecciona la respuesta correcta 

Original verb: To watch = mirar

3 / 11

Choose the correct answer
Selecciona la respuesta correcta 

Original verb: To dry = Secar

4 / 11

Choose the correct answer
Selecciona la respuesta correcta 

Original verb: To kiss = Besar

5 / 11

Choose the correct answer
Selecciona la respuesta correcta 

Original verb: To go = Ir

6 / 11

Write down the correct conjugation
Escribe la conjugación correcta

She usually __________ (play) video games
Ella usualmente juega videojuegos 

7 / 11

Write down the correct conjugation
Escribe la conjugación correcta

He never  __________ (do) exercise
Él nunca hace ejercicio

8 / 11

Write down the correct conjugation
Escribe la conjugación correcta

Sebas  __________ (study) Italian on Sunday
Sebas estudia Italiano los domingos

9 / 11

Write down the correct conjugation
Escribe la conjugación correcta

Matilda sometimes  __________ (stay) at Brayan’s flat
Matilda a veces se queda a dormir en el apartamento de Brayan

10 / 11

Write down the correct conjugation
Escribe la conjugación correcta

A mechanic  __________ (fix) cars
Un mecánico arregla (repara) carros

11 / 11

Write down the correct conjugation
Escribe la conjugación correcta

Sebas  __________ (work) from 6:30am to 9:00pm
Sebas trabaja de 6:30am a 9:00pm

Thanks for doing you test!!

Envía un mensaje a tu grupo: «Homework» diciendo: I did my test!

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Hii!! Thanks for being part of this family!! ??

Let’s sit this exam!!

Relax! ?

Let’s get started! ??

1 / 20

We use this adjective to express gratitude:

2 / 20

Synonym of «beforehand»

3 / 20

What does «by mistake» mean?

4 / 20

Select the correct translation of the following sentence: «Ella estudia una hora al día sin falta»

5 / 20

Synonym of «at last»

6 / 20

What does «tidy» mean?

7 / 20

Synonym of «already»

8 / 20

Select the correct translation of the following sentence: «Estaba enferma pero aun así fue a la oficina»

9 / 20

«If I lived in France, I would learn French very quickly» this sentence is _____ conditional

10 / 20

“We’re _____ some research for our thesis at the moment”

11 / 20

«We have to _____ a decision now»

12 / 20

We use ______ conditional when we want to talk about hypothetical situations:

13 / 20

«My mum is _____ well in her new job»

14 / 20

Synonym of «stand up»:

15 / 20

Select the correct translation of the following sentence: «¡Adelante! Puedes empezar tu presentación sin nosotros»

16 / 20

What does «go down» mean?

17 / 20

«He ______ to Canada last night.»

18 / 20

What does «give up» mean?

19 / 20

When we want to talk about our past habits, we can use…

20 / 20

Select the correct sentence:

Thanks for sitting you exam!!

Take a screenshot of your results and send them to your group  «Homework»

Learning English is difficult but it’s also so much fun!

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Difficult Situations

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Difficult Situations

Hey there!! ?

Based on the reading exercise, answer the following questions.

1 / 10

You should only use one keyword in a single search. True or False?

2 / 10

Inverted commas are useful to find something you’ve already seen. True or False?

3 / 10

Words like ‘an’ are unhelpful in a search. True or False?

4 / 10

If your keyword could refer to a lot of different things, you can’t avoid getting a long list of results. True or False?

5 / 10

Small spelling mistakes aren’t important. True or False?

6 / 10

Filter software is especially important for image searches. True or False?

7 / 10

Some search engines give different results to different people. True or False?

8 / 10

Some websites contain false information. True or False?

9 / 10

Select the things you CAN do according to the text:

10 / 10

Select the things you CANNOT do according to the text:

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The average score is 76%


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A good night’s sleep

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A good night’s sleep

Hi hi!! ?

Based on the audio, answer the following questions.

1 / 20

Escoge el término que se adapta mejor a la siguiente definición:

useful information or advice


2 / 20

Escoge el término que se adapta mejor a la siguiente definición:

a test to show what a person knows or can do


3 / 20

Escoge el término que se adapta mejor a la siguiente definición:

the time you go to sleep


4 / 20

Escoge el término que se adapta mejor a la siguiente definición:

the most difficult

5 / 20

Escoge el término que se adapta mejor a la siguiente definición:


6 / 20

Escoge el término que se adapta mejor a la siguiente definición:

a person who listens

7 / 20

Escoge el término que se adapta mejor a la siguiente definición:

making a lot of noise

8 / 20

Escoge el término que se adapta mejor a la siguiente definición:

doing something

9 / 20

The guest in the studio is a teacher. True or False?

10 / 20

Some people can sleep well with a television on. True or False?

11 / 20

It is bad to think a lot before going to bed. True or False?

12 / 20

It is good to play video games before bed. True or False?

13 / 20

It is good to turn your mobile off when you go to bed. True or False?

14 / 20

It is bad to play loud music while you sleep. True or False?

15 / 20

__________ to the show, Doctor Baker.

Question Image

16 / 20

Thank you. It’s _______________. Let’s start with tip one.

Question Image

17 / 20

Do your hardest homework  _______________.

Question Image

18 / 20

___________ your mobile when you go to bed.

Question Image

19 / 20

Play music if you like. But turn the sound _____________.

Question Image

20 / 20

That is very  _____________ for our young listeners.

Question Image

Thanks for sitting your quiz!! 🥰

Send a screenshot of your results to the group! 📸

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The average score is 63%


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An Invitation to a party

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An invitation to a party

Hi hi!! ?

Based on the audio, answer the following questions.

1 / 14

Escoge si la premisa es parte del «Message # 1» o «Message # 2»

The message was at a quarter to four.

2 / 14

Escoge si la premisa es parte del «Message # 1» o «Message # 2»

The woman says thank you for the card.

3 / 14

Escoge si la premisa es parte del «Message # 1» o «Message # 2»

The woman gives directions.

4 / 14

Escoge si la premisa es parte del «Message # 1» o «Message # 2»

The woman describes the house.

5 / 14

Escoge si la premisa es parte del «Message # 1» o «Message # 2»

The woman talks about a bus.

6 / 14

Escoge si la premisa es parte del «Message # 1» o «Message # 2»

The woman talks about a swimming pool.

7 / 14

Choose the best answer.

She is having a party for …

8 / 14

Choose the best answer.

The party is at …

9 / 14

Choose the best answer.

To get to the party, drive …

10 / 14

Choose the best answer.

The motorway exit you need is …

11 / 14

Choose the best answer.

The house is the first big house …

12 / 14

Choose the best answer.

If you go by public transport, take …

13 / 14

Choose the best answer.

The woman received the birthday card …

14 / 14

Choose the best answer.

If you take a bus, …

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The average score is 96%


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Week 1 Fourth Month!

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Week 1 – Fourth Month

Hi hi!!

Based on your first week of this 4th month, answer the following questions.

Es muy importante que al final del test, escribas en el grupo las preguntas que tengas sobre temas de esta primera semana.

Let’s begin!

1 / 15

Selecciona la traducción correcta a: «Esto sabe como un café pero es un té»

2 / 15

You look ____ your dad

3 / 15

Choose the correct sentence:

4 / 15

«He works ____ a teacher»

5 / 15

Selecciona la traducción correcta a: «Como de costumbre»

6 / 15

«They don’t talk to anyone because they are angry» en español sería:

7 / 15

What does «deal with» mean?

8 / 15

Selecciona la traducción correcta a: «¿Podrías pagar esta cena, por favor?»

9 / 15

Choose the correct sentence to say «Ayer no fui de fiesta con «nadie»

10 / 15

Choose the correct sentence to say «Ayer fui de fiesta con «alguien»

11 / 15

Choose the correct sentence:

12 / 15

Choose the correct sentence:

13 / 15

We use «interested» commonly with the following preposition:

14 / 15

We use «believe» commonly with the following preposition:

15 / 15

We use «work» commonly with the following preposition:

Thanks for sitting your quiz!! 🥰

Send a screenshot of your results to the group and add some questions about the topics we learnt this first week! 📸

Envía un screenshot de tus resultados al grupo y agrega preguntas sobre los temas de esta primera semana!

Hold on a second!

Tu puntación es

The average score is 66%


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Business Cards

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Business Cards (True or False)

Hi hi!!

Based on your class, answer «True» or «False» to the following affirmations

1 / 8

When saying an email address, ‘@’ is pronounced ‘at’. True or false?

2 / 8

Rashid works in the United Arab Emirates. True or false?

3 / 8

Ji-Yeon is the head of her company. True or false?

4 / 8

In addresses in South Korea, you write the country first. True or false?

5 / 8

‘Hoskins’ is a first name. True or false?

6 / 8

The country code for calling Brazil is 971. True or false?

7 / 8

Bruno’s job is making sure people know about KPD Foods. True or false?

8 / 8

When saying an email address, ‘.’ is pronounced ‘dot’. True or false?

Thanks for sitting your quiz!! 🥰

Send a screenshot of your results to the group! 📸

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Tu puntación es

The average score is 69%
